2015 #hopeIcanGotoThere

2015 #hopeIcanGotoThere

Minggu, 13 Juli 2014


Hi! How are you?
Mmm, today I want to tell you my Ramadhan in this year.
Today entered 17th Ramadhan. :’)
I don’t know why, but in this year I enjoy with my ramadhan.. I like get a big power.. :D
Ah ya, maybe it caused by my different understanding about Islam.
I love Islam, and I will to be a fighter for Islam.. I proud to be a muslim.. :’)
This year, I recognize many persons. Alhamdulillah, they show me to the goodness. I jealous to them because they can make many goodness... Thanks God because you recognized them to me. xD
They teach me about ‘Fastabiqulkhoirat’. Save them, God, please. J


Hello friends...
Last week, I bought a book. The title is ‘Yes, you can’. When I look at the book for the first time I wasn’t interest much because I think it was same with another motivation books. But, I dedicated to read some subtitle from the books because the cover and the papers which use in the book is interesting. Then I see one of subtitle of this books. The title is ‘Why I use English’.
Mmm, then I’m curious, hehe.. Then I continue to read the book. The writer, Ollie, say that she always write english in her blog and her twitter because she like it. And you know what? She get many respon from some persons of the other country. They always said ‘better in english when you write’ because when we write in Bahasa Indonesia they don’t know what you mean. Then she has many recognize persons, hehe. And I will. :D
I am still learning about write/speak with english. So, if my english seen bad, I’m sorry.. hehe..
Ah ya, I also learn about the definition ‘success’ from her. I approve with her. For her, success is when someone can inspire and share adventages for the other people. :’)

Ah, nice yaa! J