2015 #hopeIcanGotoThere

2015 #hopeIcanGotoThere

Rabu, 16 April 2014

#Gua Cemara #Travelling

Have you ever gone to Gua Cemara beach?
This photo was taken when I join in Reportase UAD.
Yahaaa! :D
With another faculty reporter UAD.

UTS Advanced Calculus

Yesterday, I had exam 'Advanced Calculus'. Aaaaa, its so difficult for me.. :'(
I couldn't do that.. Yaa, maybe that is myfault because I had bad peparation. I used SKS method (Sistem Kebut Semalam).
'What is that? Before I did Advanced Calculus, I had do Education Management yesterday before. Ya, and I can't complete myanswer..' -___-
Ah, Anisa.. you're really..
Yaaa, forget it for now!
I must be 100%. Keep Spirit! Yosh yosh..

Senin, 14 April 2014

UTS Hari ini

Today, I had an exam. Education Management.. Ah ya, its sooooooo difficult... -___-
"yang penting sudah usaha" yaha.. #ngalem-alemi awake dewe.. :(

Seorang lagi, lagi-lagi kembali kepada-Mu

April 14th, 2014

Good Evening..
Today, I saw status some of myfriends, they wrote “Selamat Jalan Pak Nur, Guru SMA N 1 Temanggung.”
I have many means. Surely, confused. Then, I ensure the news. I ask to Maya.
Maya, what happen with Pak Nur Assifuddin? Is he pass away? Right?
Ya, finally she said that the news is true. Pak Nur Assifuddin pass away.
Oh God, Innalillahiwainnailaihiroji’un.. Surely we belong to Allah and to Him shall we return.
God, he is a good person, a good teacher, and he is one of people who give me spirit to learn books and loving the books.
So, I hope You accept his charities. Aamiin..

Minggu, 13 April 2014

Menjelang UTS

Tomorrow, the exam will start, UTS.
I hope I can get the best....
Oh God. Please, help me.
And for today, thank you, because You guide me, You safe. Always. Thanks about that.

Minggu, 06 April 2014

Still Busy -___-

Hello! How are you? Hehe...
Im really sorry cant posting my post with well order. Because in this semester, I have so many activities... Yaa, and it take my time a lot..
Everyday, I go to campus at 7/8 in the morning then go back at 9 p.m. Its so tired.....
Mmmmm... but, it is my choice, I must manage my time. I wont  give up. :D
I will learn to manage mytimes, so I wont disappointed.