2015 #hopeIcanGotoThere

2015 #hopeIcanGotoThere

Senin, 14 April 2014

Seorang lagi, lagi-lagi kembali kepada-Mu

April 14th, 2014

Good Evening..
Today, I saw status some of myfriends, they wrote “Selamat Jalan Pak Nur, Guru SMA N 1 Temanggung.”
I have many means. Surely, confused. Then, I ensure the news. I ask to Maya.
Maya, what happen with Pak Nur Assifuddin? Is he pass away? Right?
Ya, finally she said that the news is true. Pak Nur Assifuddin pass away.
Oh God, Innalillahiwainnailaihiroji’un.. Surely we belong to Allah and to Him shall we return.
God, he is a good person, a good teacher, and he is one of people who give me spirit to learn books and loving the books.
So, I hope You accept his charities. Aamiin..

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