2015 #hopeIcanGotoThere

2015 #hopeIcanGotoThere

Jumat, 09 Mei 2014


Last week I joined in Pelatihan Pendidik Muda Ahmad Dahlan. In there, I met a lot of inspiring person. Like mas Amir dkk, than Mbak and Mas Indonesia Mengajar, mbak Anis dkk (from Rumah Hebat Indonesia), pak Gatot, bu Rudy, pak Pengisi pelatihan season1 (eh, I am sorry, I forget his name, hehe), and the members of Pendidik Muda Ahmad Dahlan.
I have learned a lot from them, especially the meaning of willingness. :)
Actually, before I decided to join in PMAD, I confused. Ya, because I join in many activity. -_-
But, finally I decided to join in PMAD, because 'jiwa kami terpanggil menjadi seorang pendidik' --> hehe.. this is a slogan of PMAD. **merinding**

Mmm.. then the next agenda from PMAD is
1. Seminar Nasional with Pak Anis Baswedan and Pak ex-Walikota Yogyakarta, and inaugurate PMAD by Pak Annis. :) (*wah, bakal terharu banget nih dilantik sama orang penting, wkwk)
2. 'Penerjunan PMAD' in some places in Yogyakarta.
I hope it will be success. :')

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