2015 #hopeIcanGotoThere

2015 #hopeIcanGotoThere

Jumat, 27 Juni 2014


June 28th, 2014

Good morning, everybody!
Today, I begin to shaum, yaa because today is 1st Ramadhan, 2014, hehe..
Okay, during this Ramadhan, I want to write everyday, so I can improve my skill on writing. :D
This year I follow Muhammadiyah to decide when 1st Ramadhan coming. Yaa, and it has decided today, June 28, 2014. I chose today, because I have many opinion. One of them is ‘you can see the link below’.
But, its up to you. You can begin your shaum, June 28th or June 29th, the most important is you shaum.. right?

But, forget it!
Now, I want to share some of my life story.. hehe..
On June 17th-18th 2014, I followed Musyawarah Komisariat IMM MIPA/JP MIPA UAD. In there, I decide to join in this organisation/movement. Yaa, before I decide to join in this movement I have learned deep about Muhammadiyah. Yaa, and I like it. ^^
Mmm, this is my first experience to join in dakwah Islam. Last time ago, I don’t like Islam Movement, yaa, because I think it is very alay.. But, yaaa now I have different perseption. You can learn it by yourself. J
It is our obligation.

Alhamdulillah, in there I met a lot of inspiring person. They are so good ^_^ and the most important is they have a good understanding of religion. X)

Ah yaa, before Musyawarah finished, the comitte of this Muskom shared some of reward.. yeye, and I got one of it. Haha, actually I shocked, how I can get this reward (but, yaa, I am very happy because I can get reward.. yeyeyee..) ^_^
This is the reward? Nice! Isn’t it? :D

Okay, I think today is enough. Hehe, I will continue my story tomorrow... Don’t missed it! :D

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