2015 #hopeIcanGotoThere

2015 #hopeIcanGotoThere

Senin, 11 Agustus 2014


Good evening! Hello.. :D
Mmm... Today some parts of my body is trouble, especialy myback.. Hikz.. I think this is effect from overwrought. *Forget it
 Mmm... now I will tell you about my family (my uncle, my aunt, oldbrother and old sister from my mother and my father). Latterly, I am realize that they are really amazing! Really! They have a good attitude, hardworker, smart, good interpersonal, etc :3, although maybe until now some of them just understand some of rabbinics. You know what?? When I see them, I realize something. Everyone is different, everyone is unic. They have theirlight own. And we cannot judge someone. Yaa... :’( I am regretful, because before I realize this concept I think I judge everyone (myfriends, myfamily, etc) *Seenakku.
But when I see from the other point, I just get one conclusion. All of them is a good person. I am very gratful because  I can met and learn from them. Thank you, God.
And the happiest is I can learned from my grandfather and grandmother, about LOVE. True Love :’) (*KETIKA KATA SUDAH TIDAK DIBUTUHKAN). Caring for everyone is one of amzing thing. And they had done about that. :D Aaa, my family really really really amazing!
Then I  found something intuively.. (*look at below) :D

Keep Calm and be Positive, ^_^
We just deliver and practice that we know. Give the best.
Whatever the result. Yang pasti, Tuhan Mahaadil, and it’s enough.

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